Sabine Marcelis (NL)

Exploring Light

août 6th – août 12th 2017

The Workshop

The workshop will focus on the exploration of light in the broadest sense! Experimenting with the manipulation of light in scales that vary between object and spatial setting. The unique surroundings of Boisbuchet will play a vital role in our experimentation, objects and final installations

Workshop Categories

Sabine Marcelis Netherlands

Sabine Marcelis is a designer living and working in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Raised in New Zealand, she studied industrial design for two years at Victoria University of Wellington and continued her studies at the Design Academy Eindhoven, where she graduated in 2011. Since graduating, she has been operating Studio Sabine Marcelis, working within the fields of product, installation and spacial design with a strong focus on materiality. Her work is characterised by pure forms which high-light material properties.

Marcelis applies a strong aesthetic point of view to her collaborations with specialists from industry. This method of working allows her to intervene in the manufacturing process and using material research and experimentation to achieve new and surprising visual effects for projects both showcased in galleries and commissioned by commercial clients.

Since starting her studio, Marcelis’ work has been exhibited at Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, and Musée des art décoratifs de Paris. She works with Victor Hunt Designart Dealer (BE), Etage Projects (DK), Side Gallery (SP) and Gallery Bensimon (FR).

Video Sabine Marcelis Workshop 2017

Visit her WEBSITE


  • L’hébergement et la nourriture sont inclus

  • Nous sommes en mesure de répondre aux demandes de régimes alimentaires particuliers

  • Tous les participants dorment dans des dortoirs

  • Pour réserver une chambre privée ou pour venir accompagné d’invités supplémentaires, contactez-nous:


  • Notre équipe est disponible pour vous aider à conceptualiser et à produire vos objets de design

  • Les outils et les matériaux sont fournis par Boisbuchet

  • Tous les enseignements des ateliers sont dispensés en anglais

  • Le nombre de participants est limité à 22
