

elgasCano (José Selgas and Lucía Cano, both born in 1965) is an architectural firm in Madrid. It is a small atelier and its intention is to remain so. They have never taught at any university and they tend not to give lectures in order to focus intensely on their projects. They centre their work on the construction process’s investigation, treating it as a continuous listening to the largest possible number of elements involved – from manufacturing to installation. Their buildings are widely published – most notably their own studio in Madrid (2007), the Plasencia Auditorium and Congress Centre in Cáceres (2015-13) and their pavilion for the Serpentine Gallery in London (2015) – and make a strong contribution to today’s architectural debate. They have exhibited at the MoMA in NY, the Guggenheim in NY, the Venice Biennale, the GA Gallery in Tokyo, The MOT (Museum of Contemporary Art) of Tokyo and the Design Museum of London.

SelgasCano‘s Workshops