Alison Bartlett is an architect, working with the interactions between people and the built environment; and on how built environments can instil mindsets and perceptions. For Alison, a built-environment does not have to be constructed of physical materials, it can also be manifested through one’s perception at the frontier of subjective and objective space, that which is in between; liminal space. This space lies in between consciousness, boundaries and dichotomies.
Alison developed her project on aimless walking and the aesthetic fabrication and representation of liminal space, that which lies in between subjectivity and objectivity. She engaged with the vast landscape that Boisbuchet is located to further understand liminal space through aimless walking.
Building on references from the Egyptian menhirs, the Dadas, the Surrealists, psycho-geography and more contemporary artists who have used walking as a medium, Alison translated this space of perception into a 1:1 concrete sculptural installation. This installation was placed on site adjacent to the path to the moulin as a small act of place-making, a situated object manifested from the perceptions achieved between the worlds of objectivity and subjectivity, where you are invited to walk across the fields, stopping at each installation to observe a new vista through the windows which are present in all the structures.