How to catch a flying cat, to conduct a blind orchestra or to write a poem into the ocean?
The artist duo FederalUnited turns virtual realities into tangible experiences, which equally embrace body and mind. Investigating the aesthetic and narrative potentials of man-machine interfaces and mixed media environments, they open up new possibilities for communication and artistic expression.
Peepshow, or ‘Chickenscope’, was initially developed as a site-specific installation for Domaine de Boisbuchet, responding to the estate’s diverse bird life as well as to the places´ enmeshment into the world of design.
“While chirping rather naturally, the birds can hardly hide, which famous designers they are visually paying tribute to.”
A rotatable observation box invites visitors to mimic birdsongs by turning wooden cranks. It rewards their success with the display of three-dimensional representation of the according creature at its favorite spot in the nearby surroundings. While chirping rather naturally, the birds can hardly hide, which famous designers they are visually paying tribute to.
Peepshow is made up of wood, metal gearing mechanisms, code and electronics.