Peter Marigold

United Kingdom

Peter Marigold is a designer and maker of objects. After completing the M.A. Design Products course at the RCA he established his studio concentrating on a wide variety of objects including furniture, products and interiors.

Working with both galleries and manufacturers his work is exhibited internationally including the MoMA New York, Design Museum Holon (Israel), Victoria and Albert Museum (London) and 21_21 Design Sight (Tokyo). Recent commissions include projects for Bloomberg, The Museum of Childhood (London), Oyuna (Mongolian Cashmere), and a porcelain collection for Meissen (Germany)

Following a workshop at  Boisbuchet he launched the highly successful product FORMcard on Kickstarter that was funded by 816% with more than 2000 backers. This has gone on to be widely internationally distributed.

Peter Marigold‘s Workshops

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