Schlaich Bergermann Partner

Since its founding in 1980, Schlaich Bergermann Partner has been one of the pioneers in the field of lightweight, efficient and resource-saving structures. For 40 years now, they have been developing and implementing solar thermal systems for energy generation. They have accompanied the development of photovoltaics since the beginning and are now also globally active in this segment with a wide range of technologies.
Curiosity and courage drive them. Innovation at SBP covers a wide range: it involves sustainable developments in the construction sector, the development of better design tools, and the use of new building materials and construction methods.
Over 200 motivated members from well over 20 nations make up the international team of SBP. The firm works on small and large tasks – always with commitment, cooperation and enthusiasm for innovative ideas and developments.
Their many years of experience and professional depth in the most diverse fields of work distinguish them as an engineering firm. For their clients, they are specialists, generalists, visionaries, consultants and team players. They work with our clients as equals, always looking for the best solutions for projects and the environment by keeping the big picture in mind.
Knut Stockhusen has been a partner at SBP since 2015, and has also been managing director of the sbp office in Spain since 2020. Gerhard Weinrebe is director at sbp sonne.