Stephanie Chaltiel

Stephanie Chaltiel began her career in French Guyana and Mexico developing innovative sustainable housing technique using local material, fabricated by hand with local dwellers.
Between 2006 to 2009 Stephanie practiced at Bernard Tschumi in New York and OMA, where she used her knowledge on building with local resources in international contexts. From 2010 onwards, her experience as a student and teacher at the Architectural Association London, paired with her experience at Zaha Hadid, has brought the latest parametric and digital fabrication techniques to her curriculum.
Since 2015 Stephanie has been one of the selected Innochain researchers (Marie Curie Horizon 2020 funding) and is currently based at Iaac and UPC Barcelona. As part of the Innochain program she is developing new construction housing systems integrating small robots and more particularly drones. Her award winning (ACADIA 2017) work on Monolithic earthen shells Robotic Fabrication has been internationally published and exhibited world wide.