Bertjan Pot (NL)

Losing Weight

August 20th – August 26th 2017

The Workshop

We all know "Less is More”, though Bertjan doesn’t always agree with this cliche.
In his workshop we will concentrate on 'weight', this will mean less material, less energy to produce, ship and use, but also more freedom. Through a few simple challenges, you will explore the engineering side of design, playing with structures defying gravity, still definitely not leaving aside your intuition and sense of aesthetics. There will be very little sketching and a lot of trial and error.

Workshop Categories

Bertjan Pot Netherlands

Bertjan Pot is a designer, probably best known for his Random Light (1999) and his ongoing collection of masks. Both projects started as material research, which is basically the starting point of each product created by Bertjan Pot. The outcome is usually a product showing a fascination for techniques, structures, patterns and colors.

Most experiments start quite impulsively by a certain curiosity for how things would function or how something would look. From there Pot takes on challenges with manufacturers to explore possibilities and push the boundaries a bit. The reward for each challenge is a new one.


  • Accommodation & food are included

  • We can accommodate for special catering

  • All participants sleep in dormitories

  • To book a private room or bring additional guests, get in touch:


  • Our staff are available to help you conceptualize & produce your designs

  • Tools & materials are provided by Boisbuchet

  • All workshops are taught in English

  • The number of participants is limited to 22
